For the past 5-6 months I’ve been working on something I believe a lot of people could really use.
As I've mentioned in other articles, I'm a full stack Software developer, which means I've gone through mobile development, front-end, back-end, Dev Ops, DB administration, webmaster, and more and in the last couple of years I've added no-code and ai to my stack. Now I've talked about the no-code tools I used in some of my past blogs and being completely honest in my experience most no-code tools are great for non-developers and really comfortable for developers as well but, sometimes I just can't oversee the limitations this type of platform have (i can understand most them but still).
Anyhow, I've been using no-code platforms for the past 3 years give or take, and during this time I've found myself using the same scripts, and snippets of code over and over and over again in order to overcome some limitations that exist in this platforms. Of course, these scripts are usually implemented along with some great tools like the ones offered by Finsweet or Flowbase which I’ve used since I started working with Webflow.
I'm used to writing code, finding answers on stack overflow, reading documentation, lots of it, and then proceeding to smash the keys of my computer for hours to get things to work just as I want, and like me, there's a lot of devs that for one reason or another l, ended up using no-code tools. They can be great, no shame in using them at all, but just like a lot of other people, I know that they have their limitations. Which made me think, hey you know what. I might as well pack all my scripts and share them with whoever can use them!
I'm not going to try saying my scripts are better than someone else's, hell no, there will always be someone better, that I know. that is exactly what drove me to not only share my project with the rest of the community. but to invite the community to make it better. built by developers for developers.
Why an Open-Source project?
I know the open-source community has made so many great packages over the years, I've even had the chance to contribute to some of them. And this time I want to contribute by creating one with what I started as a small personal library.

I want to share with y'all Webtricks (there's also a repo) a freshly out-of-the-oven open-source library, aiming to help no-code developers, regular developers, and anyone who is trying to bring a particular functionality to the web. This project is a vanilla JavaScript project with a touch of css for a couple of functionalities aiming to help people build online and to make a place where the community can make things better and more achievable without having a paywall in the middle.
please feel free to use these scripts, improve them, own them, add to them, and share them with others. Today, I'm sharing some things you may need or want so hopefully tomorrow we will all have access to something better.
What is included?
At the moment all scripts are up and ready to be used but the documentation for them is still in the works so please feel free to go in and take a look at the repo if you have questions, or send me an email through the contact form, ask on reddit, implement them in your projects if they look useful for you, I will be releasing the documentation one script at a time on my website, so let me know what y'all think 😁
Currently, there are docs for 4 scripts which you will find if you visit this page, a Code Pen collection showing the integration of some of the scripts outside of Webflow, and a cloneable Webflow project for CMS Filter and Render Static, both of which I will be writing documentation for next. I’m working to get this all done ASAP but for now you can find the full collection here, and here’s a list of the scripts included for y’all:
💻 For all web:
- Cookie Consent
- Copy to clipboard
- Count Up
- Format Number
- Form Check
- Marquee
- Read Time
- Share Link.
- Tooltip
- CMS Select
- Mirror Click
🟦 For Webflow only:
- CMS Filter
- Render Static
- Hide Container
- Tabs Slider
If you check it out, Thanks for that!
If you use it, let me know how it goes!
If you want to improve it, please be my guest!
Hope this helps everyone and serves as a little christmas gift for the community!